Exploring our connection to food.
Big Rock Organics at Lamb of God Farm is a two-generation, family farm.
We are committed to using sustainable, organic farming methods in every aspect of our production.
We have proudly provided freshly picked produce and meat products to the Chicagoland area for twenty years. Our customers really appreciate the freshness and dedication we provide to them, and it is a difference you can taste!
Our blossoming cut flower and u-pick operation has been a beloved facet of our growing farm operation.
In addition to a 16 week CSA delivering to the Western suburbs, we also offer a self-serve seasonal farmstand at Esther’s Place in Big Rock and can be found in August and September at Oswego Country Market.
Esther’s Place home to our flower field, our retail location, as well as a fiber art studio. Check out their website to learn more about classes and events.
Farm tours are available as well for groups large or small! Contact us to set up one today.
Don’t worry! A weekly video featuring live updates from the field, a tour of your box, and three seasonal recipes is sent to you each week.
Members are encouraged to post their dinnertime stories and pictures on the Big Rock Organics Facebook page and Instagram #bigrockorganics. Share your favorite recipes! We love being inspired by seeing our food on your table.
We recommend to wash and pack your produce into the fridge as soon as you can after receiving it. When handled this way, it will last for a 1-2 weeks, that is if you don't devour it before then!
Personally, I like to chop and put as much as I can into the fridge after getting the box. It might take an hour or two, but then I have all my food ready for the week. I can easily pre-make salads for the week, or a stir fry mix, and have it ready. At the end of the week, before getting your next box, take any veggies that are left and make soup or stock and freeze it.
Saute any extra greens and freeze them into little bags to add to soup or omelettes later on. Tomatoes- freeze whole and use later - just run them under hot water while frozen, slip off skins and add to chili or pasta. Take a canning class or host a food night at your house- invite friends and all chop and prepare one dish that you can all split and home. It's more fun with friends!
Jonathan and Natasha Lewis,
Big Rock Organics

“Food is meant to be a celebration and we bring color and flavor to the party!”
Natasha Lehrer Lewis