Big Rock Organics Farm Volunteers
Grow with us!
Each season, we welcome six CSA Worker Share members to come work alongside our farm crew in exchange for a vegetable share.
We’re looking for farm volunteers for full time or part time!
Full Time Volunteer position:
6 am- 2 pm shift/ once a week during our 16-week season from June -Sept.
Choose between Monday, Wednesday, or Friday shifts
Compensation includes a full share veggie box
Part Time Volunteer position:
10 am- 2 pm shift/ once every other week during our 16-week season
from June -Sept.
Choose between Monday, Wednesday, or Friday shifts
Compensation includes a half share veggie box
Assist with all aspects of the vegetable operation such as field work, weeding, harvesting, washing, and vegetable prep.
Must be able to lift and comfortable working outside.
Bring your own water, snacks and field clothing (hat/boots)
Over 18 years old
Please contact us if you’d like to be a candidate for our unique Farm Volunteer program.
Email info@bigrockorganics.com
Text (331) 643-9697